
Friday, January 6, 2017


This week students in 3-5 STEM classes started their new Physical Science unit- MATTER!  We began the unit  reviewing the states of matter that we learned in second grade.  Those states are solids, liquids and gasses.  We also acted out how those states exist- we learned that particles make EVERYTHING and how the particles act determine the state a material lives in.  

The students above are acting out gas and liquid (the rug was a "container: the material was put in).  Students just wiggled close together when they were a solid, like ice put into a cup.  Students were able to move freely around the rug while touching at least one classmates shoulders to model a liquid, like water.  Students were able to move freely and quickly (but safely!) around our classroom to model a gas, like steam! 

Students also explored particles through observation.  We learned particles are SO small, that we can't see them!  We practiced scientific drawings with what we can see with our eyes, and then compared it to what we see with a new fancy tool, the microscope! 

Although our high school microscopes aren't strong enough to allow us to see individual particles, it showed us that there is a LOT more to any object, than what meets the eye!  What a fun week! 

Stay tuned for what we do next week: Science Court! 

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